Sesame Street aired an new episode on YouTube featuring singer Katy Perry, who sung a alternate version of her hit song,"Hot and Cold". While Elmo enjoyed his time playing tag with Katy, parents didn't enjoy their time watching Katy run around in her cleavage-baring get-up. Thus the reason why the episode was aired on YouTube instead of TV.
These moms out here are crazy these days. It's not like it was Kim Kardashian wearing a bikini pole dancing with Elmo and Katy, she's not even a C cup no matter how many push up bras she may wear. Parents are just mad that they can't shoot whipped cream out their flat chest breast. I mean, come on, I'm sure the parents wear shirts that show off their A cups so why must it be banned from TV if Katy Perry does it. I admit, Katy's dress was a little short but I was never looking at her boobs. How stupid and idiotic can some parents be! I would let my child watch the episode because I know that just because you could see Katy's cleavage didn't mean that that was going to alter my child's life forever. Parents get a grip and learn to just let go of dumb crap.
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